Liebovich, Betty. 2018. The McMillan Sisters, The Roots of the Open-Nursery, and Breaking the Cycle of Poverty. HSE – Social and Education History, 7(1), pp. 78-96.
Liebovich, Betty. 2016. Abigail Eliot and Margaret McMillan Bringing the Nursery School to the United States. Young Children, 71(2), pp. 92-95. ISSN 0044-0728
Jarvis, Pam and Liebovich, Betty. 2015. British Nurseries, Head and Heart: McMillan, Owen and the genesis of the education/care dichotomy. Women's History Review, 24(6), pp. 917-937. ISSN 0961-2025
Liebovich, Betty. 2014. Margaret and Rachel McMillan: their influences on open-air nursery education and early years teacher education. FORUM for comprehensive education, 56(3), pp. 529-540. ISSN 0963-8253
Liebovich, Betty. 2013. “Margaret McMillan’s Ideals for Early Years Teacher Education: The Impact on Contemporary ITE Teacher Development”. TACTYC Annual Conference,
Liebovich, Betty. 2013. Supporting Your Toddler’s Developing Independence; Trying New Foods; Schemas and Play; Preparing for School or Nursery; Family, Relationships and Daily Life; Pretend and Imaginative Play. CBeebies BBC online,
Liebovich, Betty and Adler, Susan Matoba. 2009. Teaching Advocacy in Early Years Initial Teacher Education Programmes. FORUM, 51(1), pp. 25-34. ISSN 0963-8253
Liebovich, Betty. 2000. Children's Self Assessment. Issues in Early Childhood Education: Curriculum, Teacher Education, & Dissemination of Information. Proceedings of the Lilian Katz Symposium (Champaign, IL, November 5-7, 2000),